Mihoko Yacavone, MS, IBCLC, RDN
Certified Lactation Consultant
Registered Dietitian
Mihoko Yacavone, MS, IBCLC, RDN
Certified Lactation Consultant
Registered Dietitian
Mihoko Yacavone, MS, IBCLC, RDN
Certified Lactation Consultant
Registered Dietitian
'ohana breastfeeding & nutrition
Personalized quality breastfeeding care in the comfort of your home
Are you having breastfeeding challenges?
Don't face it alone, we can help!

Feeding your baby is SUCH a rewarding & a joyful experience
But yes, it can be a little overwhelming being the first & biggest responsibility you have as a parent
That is why we are here for you
Let us help you be equipped and confident so that you can enjoy
breastfeeding your baby
Lactation Home Visits
Prenatal Visit (~60 min) $175
Initial Lactation Visit (~90-120 min) $195
Follow up visit (~60-90 min): $175
2 Visits Combo Packet (Initial + Follow up): $360 $10 savings
3 Visits Combo Packet (Initial + 2 Follow ups): $515 $30 savings
*Travel Fee:
15-20 miles (from town) = $15
20-25 miles (from town) = $20
25-30 miles (from town) = $25
30-35 miles (from town) = $30
35-40 miles (from town) = $35
40-45 miles (from town) = $40
Insurances below may cover 100% of consultation fees through Lactation Network
Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO
Anthem PPO
United Healthcare
and most insurance plans that utilize MultiPlan and PNOA
Please submit your insurance information to find out if Lactation Network participates with your plan.
3 Easy Steps
Submit your insurance
2. Wait for a confirmation email
Once you are eligible, you are guaranteed at least 6 visits
3. Book a visit!
Lactation VIRTUAL Visits
Prenatal Visit (~60 min) $130
Initial Visit (~90 min) $165
Follow up visit (~60 min): $130
Combo Packet (Initial + Follow up): $260 $35 savings
Insurances below may cover 100% of consultation fees through Lactation Network
Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO
Anthem PPO
United Healthcare
and most insurance plans that utilize MultiPlan and PNOA
Please submit your insurance information to find out if Lactation Network participates with your plan.
3 Easy Steps
Submit your insurance
2. Wait for a confirmation email
3. Book a visit!
Consult fees can be requested for reimbursement through your insurance company. Please visit The National Women's Law Center toolkit which explains your right for breastfeeding support and takes you step-by-step on how to request for reimbursement.
Consults fees are FSA/HSA (Flexible Spendings Account/Health Savings Account) eligible.
Mama's voices
"I felt lost in breastfeeding the second time around. Through Mihoko's kindness and gentle presence, I instantly felt at ease with her in my home. She was meticulous in all our efforts and follow through. She gave me tangible problem solving skills and goals to my specific issues (as we know each baby can be so different). Her knowledge and compassion were priceless when navigating those first few months."
{Mama of a 8 wk old baby, Kaneohe}
From a mama whose baby was in the NICU for several months and never was able to latch baby.
"I just wanted to thank you again for your help! I was so close to giving up as baby was not latching onto me at all. I thought of just pumping and giving her breastmilk that way but couldn't give up the desire of latching her on. I am SO glad I called you and got your help. She is now 5 month, a nursing champ and I hardly ever pump now! Thank you SO SO much!
(Mama of a 5 month old baby, Waimanalo)
I am so grateful of your help! I was in so much pain and didn't know what to do....after your consult, my bleb was gone and no pain! Can't thank enough!
(Mama of a 2 wk old baby, Honolulu)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding challenges are real
Don't face it alone. We will come to you, right where you are.
Getting help can:
save you weeks of pain and discomfort
learn about tongue/lip ties
help baby have a better latch and thrive
prevent low milk supply/increase milk supply
identify what is causing you the challenges
answer any questions based on scientific evidences....and so much more!
We are committed to support you with your own feeding needs & goals.